Are you a performance maker living in Brighton & Hove? Do you make and present work in the city or close to it? If not, why? If you do, how can the support be improved? We’re keen to meet people who live in the city or the surrounding areas who would like to make more performance work here as well as across the rest of the world. What works now and what else do you need?
Are you a technician, designer, performer, independent producer, builder, director, choreographer, live artist, writer, theatre maker or composer working in the area of live performance? Do you live in Brighton & Hove or the surrounding areas? If the answer is yes, we’d like to invite you to this meeting to talk about what you need to make more and better work in your local area.
This event is for artists at any point in their career. We'd like you to join us if you are just starting out or have been making work for most of your life and anywhere in between.
Tickets are free but must be booked in advance here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/brighton-hove-artists-evening-meeting-tickets-41492977613
This event is co-hosted by Louise Blackwell, Richard Freeman & Peter Chivers.
Louise Blackwell is an independent arts producer based in Hove who currently works with Clod Ensemble and Fevered Sleep and co-founded Fuel. Richard Freeman is CEO of always possible helping creative leaders make critical decisions about their work, impact, growth and reach. Peter Chivers is Director of Our Future City a cross-sector and cross-agenda organisation growing creativity and improving wellbeing for children and young people in Brighton & Hove through culture.
General Information
Guests with Mobility Impairments
Guests who use a wheelchair or experience mobility impairments are asked to call the box office on 01273 678822 or email info@attenboroughcentre.com so that we can assist you to find the best seat to suit your requirements.
Personal assistance tickets are available for free for customers who would otherwise be unable to attend the venue. Please contact the box office on 01273 678822 or email info@attenboroughcentre.com for further information.
Dates & Times
Tuesday 06 February, 20187:30pm – 10:00pm